Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's a Dog's Life (McGrowl)It's a Dog's Life by Bob Balaban

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mcgrowl was an interesting book but i would not request it to anyone to read. The reason why i would not request anyone to read it is because, it’s boring, not a high reading level, and is very easy to guess what’s going to happen next.

This book is not very interesting. to tell you the truth it put me to sleep every night, witch a good book would not due. While reading this book I found that none of the parts where good enough to catch a readers eye. The book was not detailed enough. For real would you want to read a book that’s not going to keep your attention.

Throughout my years reading I have rose on the reading level of books I read. I’ve went from being in special classes to being in honors classes, and through that time my reading level have been with me. This book was not only boring it was not at a high reading level which means the text was meant for younger readers.

Finally, when reading a book I like when you anxious to hear what’s going to happen next. In this book I seriously could guess what was happening next all the way through the book. If that is how a book is suppose to be than there would be no point continuing reading.

So for all you out there that where thinking about reading this book, and have a pretty high reading level, I don’t recommend this book to you.

View all my reviews

Friday, November 12, 2010


Obesity is defined as having an excessive amount of body fat. Obesity is more than just a cosmetic concern, though. It increases your risk of diseases and health problems such as diabetes and high blood pressure. here is a scale on the obeese ppl and under weight ppl
18.5 Underweight
18.5 — 24.9 Normal
25.0 — 29.9 Overweight
30.0 and higher Obese
I feel that people should take better responsibility for the body's. they should not have to suffer from something you can control.


Depression is an illness that involves the body, mood, and thoughts, that affects the way a person eats and sleeps, the way one feels about oneself, and the way one thinks about things. People with a Depression cannot seem to "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, can help most people with depression. Estimates on how many adolescents experience depression vary from 3% to 6%. At any given time, from 2%to 10% of school-age children are suffering from depression. Depression also tends to be more common in adolescents who have a history of depression in their families. Parents; you should be aware of this and keep you children by your side to cut out all that can be depressing


Everyone feels anxious from time to time, like when you're running late or interviewing for a job. People with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), feel some anxiety or worry almost all the time. This is not healthy. People should have someworries in there life but should not always worry about one thing or another. GAD affects their body, too. In fact, many people with generalized anxiety disorder visit their doctor with problems — like sleep troubles or muscle aches, without understanding these are common symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder. About 5% of U.S. adults experience generalized anxiety disorder at some point during their lifetime, and about 3% have it in any given year.Restlessness or a feeling of being "keyed up" or "on edge"
Being easily fatigued, Difficulty concentrating or a sense of your mind going blank ,Irritability, Muscle tension, and Difficulty sleeping are syptoms.
Other physical symptoms associated with generalized anxiety disorder include,
Trembling, twitching, muscle soreness, Headaches, sweating or chills, nausea,dizziness, Shortness of breath, Diarrhea, Irritable bowel syndrome,and Being easily startled. So keep this in mind just incase you or someclose is being tormented by this disease.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

breast cancer

A study published online June 5, 2010, in The Lancet shows that for some women with invasive breast cancer a single dose of radiotherapy delivered at the time of surgery may be an alternative to a standard course of external beam radiotherapy.
Breast cancer is a deadly disease that effect thousands of americans each year. Seventy-seven percent of women with breast cancer are over 50. More than 1.7 million women who have had breast cancer are still alive in the United States thanks to doctors and technology. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in women between the ages of 15 and 54, and the second cause of cancer death in women 55 to 74. Be aware of this and look at the facts not the drama

Chicken pox

Chickenpox is a common childhood illness with 90 percent of the cases occurring in children younger than ten years of age. Before the availability of the varicella vaccine in the U.S., almost everyone developed chickenpox. Most people who are vaccinated will not get chickenpox. Those who are vaccinated and develop chickenpox usually have a mild form of the illness. They have fewer spots and recover faster.Chickenpox is transmitted from person to person by directly touching of blisters, saliva or mucus of an infected person. symptoms include sudden onset of slight fever and feeling tired and weak. as i hear from every one getting chicken pox when your young is much better than getting them when your old.

Bird flu

Many birds around the world are getting sick and dying from a severe form of bird flu called “Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1.” Sometimes it is referred to as HPAI H5N1. This form of bird flu has not been found in the United States. But it may
come to this country sometime in the future.
Bird flu is hard for people to catch. Most people who became sick with bird flu came into contact with sick or dead chickens or ducks and touched them with bare hands.
You could also get bird flu by touching things that had droppings from
sick or dead birds on them. Thoroughly cooking meat kills the bird flu virus.Birds can carry many kinds of germs that can make us sick.
A bird could look fine and still be sick.
If you MUST handle a sick or dead bird, wear gloves and wash
your hands afterwards!!!!!!


The term "arthritis" covers more than 100 diseases and conditions affecting joints, the surrounding tissues, and other connective tissues. Arthritis and other rheumatic conditions include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, gout, bursitis, rheumatic fever, Lyme arthritis, carpal tunnel disease and other disorders.1

Defining arthritis in adults has evolved over time. Currently, arthritis is defined as doctor-diagnosed arthritis. Possible arthritis is characterized by pain, aching or stiffness in or around a joint within the past 30 days that has been present for 3 or more months. If possible arthritis is suspected, a medical diagnosis should be sought.

46 million adults age 18 and older report doctor-diagnosed arthritis and 19 million report arthritis-attributable activity limitations.Children are affected as well.•Each year, arthritis results in 750,000 hospitalizations and 36 million ambulatory care visits. arthritis is an issue and you should no about it.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Embryonic stem cells

Embreodic stem cells are cells taken from embryos for research. Most stem cells are derived from in vitro cells which come from the embryo when it is only a few days old. Cell culture, (AKA) Growing cells in the laboratory, Is one way to increase stem cell research. The way they do this is they take inner cell mas and lay it in a nutrient broth called culture medium. The container that it is placed in that contains the culture medium will be coated in a feeder layer, which is mouse embreodic stem cells that have been treated, so they will not split, which helps the other cells enlarge. Stem cells can help a grate deal and should be researched. Imagine, cancer patients being able to be injected with a liquid and instantly be fixed.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Giardiasis [gee-are-DI-uh-sis] is a parasitic infection of the small intestine. Giardiasis is spread through one swallowing an others food, if it was contaminated with ones stool. This infection can cause symptoms such as diarrhea. The cause of giardiasis is a one celled microscopic parasite called a giardia lamblia. These cells can survive in the enviorment in water, food, and even objects touched everyday. Some other signs that a persons has giardiasis is abdominal cramps, and Nausea. As to the research i have done, income to find that anyone can get giardiasis, but child-care workers, and ones who travel to other country's are much more likely to be infected. When you get this infection you may not no for 1 to 2 weeks, or until symptoms appear. Giardiasis is one of the most common parasites in the world, and can be caught anywhere. One way you can prevent your self from getting the infection is, not drinking untreated water, not eating uncooked food, and avoid swallowing water while swimming.

Thursday, May 27, 2010


Anorexia is an eating disorder mainly caused by Young woman/men convincing themselves that they are fat/ obese, even though they are extremely under weight. Usually occurring in the adolescent teen, anorexia is extremely dangerous and if not correctly cared for is deadly. People with anorexia may try things such as, making large meals for others but not eat any, or excessive exercise may be consumed.

There are many signs that someone is experiencing anorexia; they may, loss of 3 or more consecutive menstrual periods (in women), Refusing to eat in public, anxiety, weakness, and in some cases even hospitalization. Anorexia is a very harsh disorder that should be reported if any signs are shown. Remember, if your friend is experiencing anorexia, you can save them, and even if there mad at you they will thank you someday.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Are 'energy drinks' bad for you

In my research i have found that energy drinks may not kill you, but are certainly not good for you. Most energy drinks contain large amounts of sugar, and caffeine. These large amounts of sugar, and caffeine can make you vary jittery, and can cause insomnia. One main problem with energy drinks is that some children already have weight issues, and do not need a caffeine addiction to go along with it. The FDA (food and drug administration) does not restricted the amount of caffeine that company's put in the drinks These energy drink companies also have no restriction on if they put labels telling the consumer detailed information, such as amounts of caffeine in the drink. In conclusion, I am not telling you not to drink these drinks, I'm just telling you to be smart and use your head when it comes to consuming these products.


Rabies is a viral infection usually spread by infected animals. When you are bitten from an animal with this Disease you are normally feeling the symptoms within 3-7 weeks. There are many symptoms such as, pain in the site of the bit, restlessness, muscle spasms, drooling, and many others. If you are infected with rabies you should immediately clean the wound with soap, and seek professional help. Have a doctor clean the wound thoroughly, and remove any foreign object.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Poisonous snake bites

Some snake bites are vary deadly. The reason some snake bites are deadly is because not all snakes just bite, some inject venom which if injected with enough will kill you without the proper treatment. Some of these snakes are the cobra, water moccasin, rattle snake, copperhead, coral snake, and many others found in zoo's. When, and if your bitten, depending on the snake you could only have hours to get the anti-venom. If the anti-venom is not received you will die. It would be similar to sitting in your house with carbon monoxide, it slowly kills you without you knowing. In city's you may not need to worry about venomous snakes, but if if you live (in the woods) or far away from any town you will have to be much more careful.

Friday, May 21, 2010

RSD (Reflex Simpathetic Dystrophy syndrom)

(RDS) Reflex sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome is a malfunction of the central nervous system, which causes pain, and additional symptoms. RSD effects millions of people in the united states. Even if you have not heard of this, it is not a new disease. Scientist have had cases of RSD all the way back to the civil war. RSD is treatable, but if not treated correctly can and will spread vary rapidly. Some symptoms are Intense burning pain (feels like your on fire), pathological changes in bone, excessive sweating, tissue swelling, and extremely sensitive to touch. In resent studies they believe that RSD can be caused by pain receptors in the effected part of the body become responsive to a family of nervous system managers known as catecholamines.


Asthma is a (long Term) Chronic disease that Obstructs the air ways. Asthma creates wheezing (a whistling sound heard from people around the patient). Asthma Effects people of all ages but in testing found that it usually starts in people when they are young. Asthma people have inflamed air ways that make it harder for the patient to breath. Most asthma patients can not run long distances without taking puff's of an inhaler. Most times an asthma patients simtoms regulate, but when they don't something happens, (an asthma attack) Which is when the simptoms get worse and breathing gets vary hard. These are also called flairups,or exacerbations. It is vary important to treat simptoms when they first start to appear so that they do not worsen to an asthma attack.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Heart atteck Prevention

I read an article today about a medication that helps stop heart attacks. From what we already new from experimentation omega-3 typically found in fish oils helps prevent heart attacks, So recently i read about a prescription pill that is FDA approved that contains this substance (omega 3). The only worry is this increased clot risk which is a down side.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The effects of cystic fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis is an inherited disease that causes thick, sticky mucus to build up in the digestive track. It is one of the most common lung diseases in children and young adults. There are many signs of a child having this disorder, The child may have growing problems, failure to gain weight, and most time very salty skin. There may also be an increased mucus in the lungs/sinuses. To help with the lung effects the child may be prescribed with inhalers, breathing treatments, and in worse cases, a lung transplants. One of the vary important medications a CF patient must have is pancreatic enzimes, which helps the patient absorb nutrients, If not taken, the patient can die of starvation. In bad cases of CF, wheezing can be heard from people around the CF patient.